KMBA is a registered club that plays within the Valley Hants Basketball league and therefore plays by all rules set forth by that League. Rules of Play have been developed and should be reviewed by all coaches, managers, parents and players at the beginning of each new season. If any revisions are made to these Rules of Play during the season, notifications will be sent to all affected coaches and players.
The KMBA policy outlines all of the rules and regulations to be followed by all KMBA board members, coaches, managers, players and parents. The policy was last updated on 14th Oct 2015 and the latest version of KMBA Policy is available here to view.
KMBA team managers are the volunteering parents. Team managers paly an important role in their respective teams as they organize the activities, liaise with coaches and communicate with the players/ parents proactively. They are one of the contributors to the team's success. Team Managers Job Description could be found here.
Basketball is a fun and exciting sport to watch but to ensure that kids, coaches and managers are all treated with dignity and respect, we have developed a Parents’ guide. We would ask that all parents review this Parent's Guide which outlines all of the expectations we have of our parents.
Concussion Management Guidelines
Download the Concussion Management Guidelines here.